Sunday, October 19, 2014

Midterm Instrument and Visual Scores Art 345

For this instrument I wanted it to be similar to a wind chime. I wanted it to have a light sound but also use it to make very loud sounds as well. I chose a bucket as the base because I could hit the bottom of it and use it like a loud drum. I decided to use copper pipes for the wind chime sounds because it was easily available to me. The pipes being strung over the drum made a better sound than the pipes just hanging. I wanted it to be a different variation of a wind chime and I think I accomplished that. In the picture the instrument is taken apart because I had to give the parts back.
Eric had a very simple instrument so I wanted the visual score to be quite simple to read. I wanted to use colors so he would know when to make louder sounds or softer. He could use his shaker instrument to do quite sounds and increase the volume. I started the visual score slow and then let it build into the height of the piece. I used different patterns and lines with color to portray the slower and faster parts of the piece.  After the climax of the piece, I wanted it to wind down so I used swirls to close the piece out.

When Eric brought up the idea of a visual sculpture, I thought that was a different interesting aspect of the project. The visual score he made me was quite easy to understand. The piece was supposed to be read left to right and horizontal. I had different ways to play my instrument, which was great for the score he gave me. I started with a band and then built it up to the middle of the piece, where he wanted me to just go crazy and make chaos of noise. Then the piece repeated itself and brought to a slow close ending with another bang.

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